Indoor Air Filtration - Air Purifiers Portland, OR

Air Purifiers

Superior Technology Turns Ordinary Air into Bryant® Air

Air quality is one of the most influential factors on our health. The difficult thing is that most air pollution is hard for our senses to detect. You aren’t always able to tell when the air you breathe is polluted. Things in the household such as carpet, furniture, and the building materials homes are built with can play a part in contributing to the airborne pollution in the home.

Protect your home and health by eliminating airborne pollutants. Air purifiers are the most effective way to enhance the quality of air in your home.

Heat Relief Heating & Cooling is pleased to offer the most effective way to enhance the quality of air in your Portland area home. Bryant’s Perfect Air™ solutions provide healthier and cleaner air throughout your home by removing dangerous bacteria, viruses, pollen, and mold from the air you breathe.

Dependable Bryant air filtration systems include the Evolution®. With Bryant’s Perfect Air™ from Heat Relief as part of your total comfort system, you and your family can breathe easier than ever before.

Bryant Air Purifier Portland, OR

Evolution Series Perfect Air Purifier

  • MERV 15 rated
  • Captures and kills or inactivates harmful bacteria,
    viruses, mold spores, and allergens
  • Very low maintenance—no cleaning required
Electronic Air Cleaner from Bryant

Preferred Series Electronic Air Cleaner

  • MERV 12 rated
  • Washable filters

Preferred Series EZ Flex Cabinet Air Filter

  • MERV 10 rated
  • Enhanced air HVAC Air Cleanerflow
  • Easy-to-replace filter
  • MERV 13 replacement filters available

For more on air purifiers or any of our other products and services, please contact us. Don’t forget to ask us about our exclusive 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!