You've always been here for us, and WE'RE OPEN AND HERE FOR YOU! - Heat Relief Heating & Cooling

You’ve always been here for us, and WE’RE OPEN AND HERE FOR YOU!

Hi, this is Mark DeFrancisco, owner of Heat Relief Heating & Cooling, for many of us the stay and work from home orders have shifted the nucleus of our lives back into the home naturally increasing the use and stress on our home’s HVAC systems. Therefore, routine maintenance is less about routine and more about preventing break downs. I’d like to help you avoid emergency service, so give us a call and, now more than ever, make sure you’re keeping up with regular maintenance.

And YES!, the health and safety of our families, staff, and customers remains critical, so we continue to emphasize vigorous hand washing, social distancing and have implemented no-contact service and payment procedures. We’re also providing our technicians with masks, gloves, shoe covers and sanitary wipes for your protection and theirs.

Finally, if you do need service, for any reason, please don’t hesitate to call at (503) 877-1713. Our office staff and technicians are here to help.

Be safe, healthy, and have a great day,
