These Home Myths are So Wrong, It’s Spooky - Heat Relief Heating & Cooling Portland

These Home Myths are So Wrong, It’s Spooky

Halloween is coming up and you know what that means—spookiness is in the air! Ghost stories, witches, and spiders are spooky, but this Halloween season we’re focusing on a different type of spooky: HVAC unit myths. These myths are so wrong, it’s spooky. Keep reading for five home myths you need to stop believing…. or else!

  1. Myth: Air conditioners only cool the air.
    • Myth busted: The truth is in the name! Air conditioners condition the air. This means that air conditioners usually have settings to help circulate and dehumidify the air.
  2. Myth: The bigger my HVAC system is the better it works.
    • Myth busted: Sometimes, if a system is too large, it is constantly leveraging between on and off. This increases costs and decreases life span!
  3. Myth: My eco-friendly HVAC unit will immediately cut my electricity bill in half.
    • Myth busted: This is a good start, but unless your home also features reliable insulation, window seals and routine maintenance, your bill may not be reflecting your eco-friendly habits right when you get an eco-friendly HVAC unit!
  4. Myth: I only need to call a professional technician when something goes wrong.
    • Myth busted: Routine maintenance is critical to maintaining efficiency and elongating your HVAC’s lifespan. You want to get ahead of a problem. Don’t wait for a disaster to hit. There’s nothing worse than a freezing, winter day without heating.
  5. Myth: I can put my thermostat wherever I want! It doesn’t matter—it’ll do the same job.
    • Myth busted: The placement of your thermostat is super important to home energy efficiency. Convenience is important for your thermostat, but experts say that your thermostat should be away from sunlight, on an interior wall, and away from windows, doors, and furniture. 

Call an Expert Portland HVAC Contractor

We know keeping your Portland-area home comfortable all year long is hard. Let us make your job easier! Give Heat Relief a call today at (503) 877-1713 and let our expert HVAC technicians make sure your Portland home is ready for the fall.