Heat Relief Receives 5 Star Rating from Energy Trust of Oregon - Heat Relief Heating & Cooling

Heat Relief Receives 5 Star Rating from Energy Trust of Oregon

Energy Trust ratings are based on feedback for our customer service, quality performance, program service, and total energy savings. As an approved trade ally of Energy Trust, we are qualified to improve your home’s energy efficiency by reducing your energy costs and giving you access to cash incentives so you can improve the efficiency and comfort of your home.

After several years of using a 3-star rating system, Energy Trust moved to a 5-star rating system. Ratings are based on customer feedback and industry standards. Energy Trust ratings provide context to potential customers to help them pick the right trade ally for their next residential or commercial project.

Heat Relief is proud to be a Spring 2022 Trade Ally Contractor with Energy Trust of Oregon. We look forward to continuing our promise of cutting energy costs and improving the energy efficiency of our Portland customers.