How Does Dust Affect Your Air Conditioner? - Heat Relief Heating & Cooling Portland, OR

How Does Dust Affect Your Air Conditioner?

Dust settles, but you don’t have to. Are you having trouble with your air conditioning system after turning it on for Spring? Dust may be to blame.

Find out how dust affects your air conditioner and how you can get it back in shape below.

Dust in Your Ducts

            The problem: Dusty ducts mean all the allergens usually kept out by your unit are now flooding the air. It can also blog the flow of air, so your system is working harder to provide less comfort.       

            The fix: You may be tempted to clean your ducts yourself, but this is something best left to the experts. Call Heat Relief at (503) 877-1713 and talk to one of our experts about your options.

Dust on Your Filter

            The problem: A dusty filter prevents air from going over the indoor coil in your system. This, in turn, means your air conditioner won’t work properly, allergens will pass into your home, and you won’t be comfortable. A clogged filter can eventually cause your system to malfunction and stop working altogether.

            The fix: Clean your filter regularly (we recommend once a month).

Dust on the Coil

            The problem: Dust on the outside coil affects the coils ability to remove heat. You may notice begin to form, which prevents the coils ability to remove heat. Before long, your home will be too warm for comfort.

            The fix: Schedule an A/C tune-up