5 Things First-Time Homeowners Need to Know about Heating & Cooling Their New Home - Heat Relief Heating & Cooling

5 Things First-Time Homeowners Need to Know about Heating & Cooling Their New Home

You’ve taken the big leap and purchased your first home in the Portland area—Congratulations! With the new purchase comes a whole new world of adulthood that includes unpacking the multitude of boxes and scheduling regular maintenance appointments with your local heating and cooling company.

We understand that there were so many factors in purchasing your home: number of bedrooms, fenced in back yard, gourmet kitchen, master suite… But did you pay very close attention to the heating and air conditioning system? Chances are you glanced at it, but how well did you really look at it?

What New Homeowners Should Know

1. Schedule Professional Inspection and Maintenance
Yes, you had an inspection on your home before you closed, but you should consider doing a professional inspection on your air conditioning and heating unit once you’ve moved in. Having a trusted professional like a Heat Relief technician perform a thorough inspection and maintenance service will alert you to any small problems that could become expensive repairs down the road, as well as show you things you might not know about your system.

Having routine maintenance done on your home comfort system can help keep your unit running more efficiently, thus saving you money down the road and help prolong the system’s life.

2. Learn the Warranty
When you call Heat Relief for your maintenance program, spend some time talking with your home comfort specialist about your system’s warranty and what you need to do to keep it up-to-date. Some details to note include the period of coverage and the types of repairs the warranty covers. If you’ve purchased a previously-owned home, the previous homeowner might have done something to void the warranty (i.e., failed to hire a licensed professional to perform annual maintenance or repairs).
However, if your warranty is still active, remember that it can easily become void if:

  • You do not hire a licensed professional to perform annual maintenance and inspection
  • You perform DIY repairs
  • Non-approved replacement parts are used

3. Replacing Filters
Replacing the filters in your HVAC system is an easy task for homeowners to learn to do, and should be one of the first things you should do after unpacking and starting to settle in your home. Even if your home is brand new, the contractors have used your heating unit to help dry paint, there has been drywall dust in the system, etc. Or, if you purchased an older house, you don’t know when the last time was the previous homeowners replaced the filter.

Read your system’s manual to see what type of filter you need to purchase, then when you get home write the date you change the filter, to help you remember when you last changed filters. Experts suggest that filters should be replaced every two months.

4. Learn Your HVAC System

Don’t be afraid to watch your Heat Relief technician perform maintenance and repair tasks and ask questions. Your technician can help you learn the ins and outs of your system so you can be a better homeowner. Not all HVAC systems are the same, so if you’re used to one type of system, your new home might have a completely different one.

Learn how old your system is, what types of add-ons your system might have (i.e., zoning system, humidifier, air purifier, etc.) and what you need to do to keep those running efficiently. Most heat pumps and central air conditioners can last between 10 to 15 years, while boilers and gas furnaces can last between 15 to 20 years.

5. Learn the Thermostat

If you have a programmable thermostat, you might not be familiar with all the bells and whistles that are part of the system. A programmable thermostat can help ensure that your system operates efficiently throughout the year and also learn your family’s routine. It can keep your home cooler at night while you’re sleeping, and turn down the heat while you’re on vacation. A Heat Relief technician can show you how to program and operate your thermostat, as well as make recommendations to get the most out of your new technology.

When it comes to your home comfort system, Heat Relief is here to help make owning your new home a little easier. Schedule an appointment with us today to get you on the right track.