Tips to Reduce Spring Allergies This Year - Heat Relief Heating & Cooling

Tips to Reduce Spring Allergies This Year

With spring comes warmer weather and longer days, and the rise of pesky allergies. The majority of allergy symptoms start with the air quality in your own home. Luckily, there are some easy ways you can begin to improve your indoor air quality and reduce your symptoms so you can sneeze less and smile more this spring.

Switch to a Higher Quality Air Filter

Your air filter is an essential part of your home’s air quality. Professionals recommend using a filter with a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) rating of 8. These filters are better at trapping microscopic particles that could be causing your allergy symptoms. Alongside using a high-quality air filter, you should also regularly replace your air filter. How often you should replace your air filter depends on things like how many pets you have, if there are young children in your home, and how sensitive you are to indoor contaminants.

Dust Your Vents

Dust and debris around your vents are the primary culprits of allergy symptoms. Give your home a spring cleaning by wiping down the interior and exterior of your air vents. All the air entering your home must pass through your vents before it gets to your lungs. Vents clogged with dust and debris will affect your indoor air quality and increase your allergy-like symptoms.

Check for Signs of Mold

Mold thrives in humid, moist environments. Mold spores inside your air ducts are a common cause of allergies. If not taken care of, mold could cause more severe health problems. Check for mold by looking at your ducts, condensate drip pan, drain, evaporate coils, and the air handler every few weeks. This is especially important during warm and humid months. If you aren’t sure whether or not there is mold in your air ducts, let a professional take a look.

Schedule an HVAC Maintenance Appointment

The easiest way to reduce your spring allergy symptoms is to maintain your AC system regularly. Since your HVAC system is responsible for all the air that comes into your home, it must work properly, and your filtration system is performing at optimal levels. The expert technicians at Heat Relief can check to ensure your AC is working properly and perform repairs to ensure your system keeps your home cool without breaking the bank.

Call us at (503) 877-1713 to schedule a service today.