Tips for Reducing Spring Allergens in Your Home - Heat Relief Heating & Cooling

Tips for Reducing Spring Allergens in Your Home

Spring is coming soon and with it spring fever. This is an actual medical condition where your blood vessels dilate as the weather gets warmer after winter, causing you to feel more energetic and ready to get outdoors.

This spring follow these tips so that allergies and illness don’t prevent you from enjoying the warmer weather here in Portland. And don’t forget to schedule your annual A/C tune-up with Heat Relief Heating & Cooling to get a professional opinion about your home’s air quality.

Replace the air filter

The air filter on your HVAC unit is always the first thing you should check to improve the air in your home. Plan to replace it every three months, but if you are having significant issues with allergies, you may even want to check it monthly. Be sure that you are using a high-quality filter that fits correctly in your unit.

Remove debris both outdoors and inside

Winter weather can cause leaves, branches and other debris to build up around your outdoor A/C unit, so be sure to clean up before running it this season. Continue to keep it clean all spring and summer to prevent debris and dust from getting into the air in your home. And don’t forget to clean the indoor unit often, as well as your registers and return vents.

Assess indoor air quality

Your indoor air quality (IAQ) can be assessed to help reduce spring allergies, as well as health issues from other pollutants. You can test your home’s IAQ using an air quality monitor with an HVAC technician, or purchase one yourself.

Heat Relief is a Bryant Factory Authorized Dealer, and we provide several Perfect Air™ purifier and cleaner options. Our units like the Evolution Series Air Conditioner also offer your home improved indoor air quality and superior humidity control.

Here at Heat Relief, our technicians can help with all of these air quality improvements. Regular maintenance is vital to the health of your HVAC system, and in turn, the health of your family. If you live in the Portland area, schedule your annual spring HVAC tune-up today at (503) 877-1713 or online.