Give Your Home a Treat This Halloween - Heat Relief Heating & Cooling

Give Your Home a Treat This Halloween

Trick or treat! Now, we know this expression usually applies to caramel apples, chocolates, and candies, but what about the more unconventional treats? This Halloween season, give your home a treat too! Keep reading for 10 easy treats, not tricks, for your home.

  1. Declutter
    • As we head into winter, now is a perfect time to declutter your home. There is an old Japanese practice where you pick up an item in your house you’re thinking of throwing away, and ask yourself if it brings you joy. If the answer is yes, you keep the item, but if you answer no, you throw it away or donate it. Halloween may be spooky, but it should also be fun and joyous! Get a head start on the holiday, and try out this life-changing decluttering lesson.
  2. Enhance your home with good scents
    • Caramel apples, pumpkin pie, s’mores… these scents certainly transport you into a fall wonderland. Pick up a candle or scented room spray to treat your home to sensational scents.
  3. Lighten the mood
    • As the days get shorter, make sure you’re getting your healthy dose of Vitamin D. Open your blinds and drapes and allow the natural light to enter your home!
  4. Decorate your home
    • Head over to a craft store and pick up some Halloween decorations. Our favorite decorations are pumpkins, spider webs, and bowls of candy corn! Feel free to get creative!
  5. Pull out the cozy bedding
    • Bring out the heavier comforters, throw blankets and fuzzy pillows. With the cooling temperatures, now is a great time to cozy up your home.
  6. Prep your fireplace
    • Nothing beats cozying up by the fireplace, a staple hangout spot for the chillier months. Treat your home to the inviting warmth of the fireplace this October!
  7.  Rake leaves
    • We know what it’s like to watch the leaves fall and think, “I’ll rake them later!” Get ahead of the leaf pile, because there’s a lot more where that came from!
  8. Protect summer plants
    • Potted plants are usually sensitive to low temperatures and need protection. Bring them into your garage, kitchen or space with plenty of natural light to protect them from the winter. In the meantime, fertilize your lawn to help prevent winter damage and spring weeds.
  9. Bring in your outdoor furniture
    • As much as you love your outdoor cushions and patio, it’s time to store it away for the winter. Clean off any cushions or furniture you have and pack them away until the spring.
  10. Give us a call
    • Allow us to inspect your home for leaky ducts, transition your HVAC system for the winter and catch your HVAC system up on regular maintenance. Call us today at (503) 877-1713.

We hope these treats are spooky helpful. And if your Portland-area home needs any HVAC assistance, please give us a call (503) 877-1713. Happy October from the Heat Relief team!